March 22, 2011...
Its been almost 2 months since my last post and what a bad blogger I have been! Well we had a 31 week ultrasound check up on the baby's growth which we are happy to report that everything is right on track. The baby weighs 4 lbs 7 oz and is in the 61st percentile for size, not to big, not to small... It is always fun to hear the baby's heart beat. The baby was head down (not breach) and everything is going perfect so far. It was great to have mom (Barb) and Carolina (sister in law) along on this visit to see the baby for the first time live on the ultrasound screen. There was a lot of Ooohs and Ahhhs and I think they had fun seeing the baby move around. We are starting to go in and see Dr Walsh every 2 weeks now until the last month, then its every week until delivery. I cannot believe I just started my 8th month of pregnancy. We are on the final stretch! It has seemed a long time coming and the pregnancy is starting to get uncomfortable. I am finding it hard to breathe and bend over. I get tired much faster but are still plugging along with my daily workouts, just at a slower pace. I plan to take some pregnancy pictures of me and my growing belly on the beach while in San Diego/LA this week and will post them as soon as I return to Denver. Andrew and I also have our 3D Ultrasound appointment approaching and that will give us the detailed pictures we have been craving! Until then I attached the few pictures we got with this ultrasound, which are mainly of the baby's face. Hope you are all doing well. Kisses!
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