Sunday, July 31, 2011

Our Wildlife Experience

So this summer Brooke signed up for the summer reading program 
through our local library and part of her prize for completing it was a free 
day at the Wildlife Experience and boy did she love that as you will see
in the following pictures...

Look how cute she is! 
I had a fun time with ya kid. 

Friday, July 29, 2011

Can I Hold Her....Please Mom?

So this morning Brooke decides she will go get Stella out of her crib after she woke up from her morning nap.  I was cracking up when Brooke walked around the corner holding her little sister like a sack of potatoes.  Observe the following pictures so you can laugh too!

I give you an A+ for effort my oldest daughter!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Andrew and I had never been to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo down
in Colorado Springs so we decided to take the girls down there
and check it out.  Here is what we saw...

 The coolest part of the whole zoo was being eye level with the giraffes 
and being able to feet and pet them too!

 This guy was growling at my oldest...
 Then he gave her the tongue...

 This zoo literally sits on the mountain side overlooking Colorado Springs

 Brooke trying to catch a chip monk... run chipmonk, RUN!

 Water break

 The Australia part of the zoo was another fun highlight.
They let the walabees run free, literally.  They were 
bouncing all around us!

 Cute little Walabee!

 Was that the elephants stinking or Stella's diaper?
 The only thing with this zoo is... it's steep!

 Brooke finally meets Dante!

 My girls

We made the full circle in the zoo and we're back
were we started. What a great interactive zoo!
Time to go home...